Signs that your kids are watching too much Mythbusters.

It all began when I overheard the following statement: “Okay Porter, now don’t scream when I do this.”

Watching Porter’s front teeth twist and turn over the last weeks has been an infinite source of family entertainment. He has been guaranteed that at least one of us throughout the course of the day will walk up to him and ask, “hasn’t one of those teeth fallen out YET?” Myself included – which you think I’d be a little more sensitive about considering I was asked “haven’t had that baby YET?!” about 600 bazillion times with both of my insanely overdue pregnancies. But I digress.

So ANYWAYS, teeth. Loose. Insanely loose and crooked. There were days when I would look in the rear-view mirror of the car and see my son’s face with a single tooth resting atop his lower lip. Kinda like this (but in place of the bird is his nasty smelling blanket):

nanny mcphee

I tried to do some documenting the evolution of this process on my own:

Billy Bob Teeth

Billy Bob Teeth

4 front teeth simultaneously loose. New name: Billy-Bob. Trans-Am & mullet wig arrive on Tuesday.

Flash forward to yesterday.

Stella had finally reached her limit. Action needed to be taken. And big sisters can be very persuasive. Her plan involved one packet of purple embroidery thread from her friendship bracelet kit, one remote control all-terrain vehicle, and a whole lot of trial and error. Once she had successfully a.) gotten Porter’s buy-in, b.) figured out how to successfully attach the string to the tooth and the remote control car, and c.) gunned the car with just the right amount of slack in the line, she achieved her goal:

The Great Front-Tooth Extraction

I still laugh each and every time I look at this photo. The blood. The look of victory on Stella’s face. The look of I-Don’t-Know-How-She-Convinced-Me-This-Was-A-Good-Idea on Porter’s face. It pretty much tells the entire story all by itself.

Mixing it up a little

Another hand of the clock has ticked, which means Stella has lost yet another tooth. The other top front one, to be exact. At the pace she is going we are about ready to buy her a set of Billy-Bob teeth so she can chew her food.

The last Tooth Fairy visit proved to be a little bit traumatic in that she mistakenly left the pillow at the foot of Stella’s bed, which means that the Tooth Fairy must have forgotten that Stella’s sleep habits resemble someone making a snow angel – for 8 hours straight. When Stella woke up in the morning her loot was scattered all over her bedroom, at which point she ran into my bathroom sobbing that she couldn’t find all the parts.

This time, Stella would be having none of that tomfoolery and came up with a plan that would insure the safety of her precious tooth loot. She commissioned her father to draw a map where the tooth pillow was safely stowed for tooth withdrawal and reward. Voila! Problem solved. One slight flaw in her plan was that she did not clearly articulate that the Tooth Fairy was then expected to relocate the pillow and draw her a map. Um, somebody needs to tell that Tooth Fairy to GET WITH THE PROGRAM! Doesn’t she know who she is dealing with here?


Gueth What!?

Stella has about 5 teeth at varying stages of looseness. This front one kind of twisted its way out; at one point it was practically at a 90 degree angle to the rest of her teeth. Likewise, the others are moving around in such a way as to create strange gaps and craters. Every time I look at her I end up having to do a double-take, and can’t help but wonder what her new smile will look like. Whatever the case, she stands to make a tidy profit on the whole affair.

PS: If you are wondering about that curious black blob on her right cheek you should probably ask her father. I left her alone with him for 30 minutes while I ran to Target, and came home to find her amply adorned in temporary tattoos and Porter wearing nothing but a diaper. Oh, wait, that’s right – Porter doesn’t ever wear clothes. Silly me.



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Single White Toddler Male seeking companion who doesn’t need much sleep. Must enjoy being ordered around, and be physically capable of carrying 25-27 pounds for extended periods of time. Must be tolerant of miscellaneous dependency issues such as (but not limited to), security blanket, thumb-sucking, and a mild-to-moderate dry cereal and granola bar addiction. Although I am both height challenged and lacking in fine motor skills I refuse to employ the use of any sort of high chair, booster seat or tippy cup. Other quirky habits include refusing to sit down in the bathtub, eating things I find on the ground, playing in toilets and throwing up without warning (although I do this much less these days). I am totally into horses, although I refuse to actually touch one – however, I will require that you haul me out to the fence numerous times throughout the day and stand there while I look at them. I have been told that I am a really good dancer, and I am able to run really really fast – usually when no one is looking, and usually towards places I have no business being. I am wicked cute, but do have some anger issues. And watch out, because I have 16 teeth and I am not afraid to use them. Oh, and I can identify all the major parts on my body, just be careful when you ask me to identify your eye, because I will probably jab my finger in it. There will probably be some language barriers, but I do know all the animal sounds and can easily identify my Mama and Dada. For everything else, I will just point and yell. And when that doesn’t work, I will use my chubby little fingers to grab your hand and drag you where I need you to go.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, look no further because I’m your man.
