Personal Ad

Single White Toddler Male seeking companion who doesn’t need much sleep. Must enjoy being ordered around, and be physically capable of carrying 25-27 pounds for extended periods of time. Must be tolerant of miscellaneous dependency issues such as (but not limited to), security blanket, thumb-sucking, and a mild-to-moderate dry cereal and granola bar addiction. Although I am both height challenged and lacking in fine motor skills I refuse to employ the use of any sort of high chair, booster seat or tippy cup. Other quirky habits include refusing to sit down in the bathtub, eating things I find on the ground, playing in toilets and throwing up without warning (although I do this much less these days). I am totally into horses, although I refuse to actually touch one – however, I will require that you haul me out to the fence numerous times throughout the day and stand there while I look at them. I have been told that I am a really good dancer, and I am able to run really really fast – usually when no one is looking, and usually towards places I have no business being. I am wicked cute, but do have some anger issues. And watch out, because I have 16 teeth and I am not afraid to use them. Oh, and I can identify all the major parts on my body, just be careful when you ask me to identify your eye, because I will probably jab my finger in it. There will probably be some language barriers, but I do know all the animal sounds and can easily identify my Mama and Dada. For everything else, I will just point and yell. And when that doesn’t work, I will use my chubby little fingers to grab your hand and drag you where I need you to go.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, look no further because I’m your man.


2 thoughts on “Personal Ad

  1. MWF seeking afcn from YWM. AARP and CTA certified. Knows lyrics to all pre 80’s show tunes. Plays the kazoo and piano. Has extensive false nose collection. All original body parts intact. Considered wrm, lvng, and fn. Must love cats and pumpkin soup.

  2. from previous employer, it sounds like the job description is larger now. Due to old age and full house, I will have to decline the chance to apply, even tho it is a thought. Ha Ha Such a cute ad. You’re as clever as always Natalie, love it!!!

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