Year 6: Cast Iron and Candy, and the realization that we spend so much time together we can’t even come up with an original thought.

It took a few minutes to sink in, but when the woman working at the counter where I bought Steve’s anniversary gift said, “Wow! This is the second one of these I have sold today!” I realized that I KNEW who that other person was. Sad. Just sad. This is what knowing someone for over half your life gets you. We have officially begun sharing a brain, and are just one step away from wearing matching outfits.

6 years of marriage, 9 years of cohabitation and 20 years of knowing someone: priceless.

A Trip Down Memory Lane
(.doc format; depending on your browser set-up you may be prompted to save or open the file)

One thought on “Year 6: Cast Iron and Candy, and the realization that we spend so much time together we can’t even come up with an original thought.

  1. Congrats on the big 6. We love you guys and look forward to watching you grow old and grey with us!

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