Porter McGoo Turns 6 Months Old

Happy 6-month birthday, Porter!

I know that in the years to come, as you read through these pages it will probably seem like all I do is drone on and on about your sister and her antics, while only referring to you by names like Baron Von Cutenstein. Although this may be a tiny bit true, I know there are going to be many days in the years to come wherein I will tell the world about how you decided to bury the tv remote in a potted plant. Don’t worry, your day will come. In the meantime, feel good that all I can do is tell you how cute you are.

The fact is, you are becoming more and more independent every day, and – based on your agility of late – will be crawling quicker than I can say baby-proofing. I took a short video clip of you today and managed to catch some of my favorite things that I love most about you right now. Look closely and you’ll observe:

  • The cute noise you make when you chew (not suck) on your thumb.
  • Your fauxhawk.
  • The way you sit up by yourself without tipping over.
  • That frankenstein noise you make when you start to laugh.
  • That everything within an arms reach will eventually make it into your mouth.

Oh, and if those front teeth aren’t in by the end of the month, I am sure your dad will be on eBay ordering you up a pair. Not to mention, we are both tired of holding you up over our heads only to have you give us a huge smile while simultaneously unleashing a gigantic blob of drool onto our face.

Porter Video: 6 Months old

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