5 Years

Well Scott, as of today it has been 5 years since we said good-bye. Time has gone in a flash and yet it also just feels like yesterday. I guess that’s grief for you. We still miss you – still talk about you all the time and share stories and memories with the kids. It will never be the same, but it is the best we can do.

Last year I remember spending all day and into the wee hours of the morning painting our newly finished room addition – the whole time listening to our Van Halen station and being reminded of you – and smiling. This year it is just Steve and I (your parents have hauled S&P off to Belize), and we are puttering around working on house projects, one of them being installing the baseboards in our new room. One full year it has taken from paint to baseboards. And we have a Pacifico beer in our hands and are listening to 80’s arena rock. It’s like you are right here working alongside us.

We remember you all the days in between, but it is these anniversaries that we really stop to reflect on just how much of a hole you left in the lives of all of us and just wish it could have all been different.
