Guess what we have?!?!


The last few days have been busy ones.

Jim and Gwen arrived on Tuesday and Jim promptly got to work on the walls. 4 days, 2 1/2 buckets of drywall mud and about 3 inches of rain later, they rolled out of town — never really getting to see how great it can really be up here when it is not raining!! Hoping the rest of their journey into Oregon proves to be much dryer.

On Friday we primed and painted the ceilings in the bathroom and kitchen, and even managed to finish up by painting all the walls in the kitchen. On Saturday we painted the bathroom, built the mirror frame for the bathroom and overall prepped for cabinet arrival. Scott and Bill pulled up a little before 4:00 pm (all 50 feet of them!). Cabinets were promptly unloaded and before sun-up the next morning, Scott was well on his way back down to the valley. One million thanks (again) for the marathon, Scott — we can’t thank you enough.

As I write, the cabinets are reaching final stages of installation. Dore was wonderful enough to babysit our sweet Stella for the day, giving me the opportunity to get a second coat of paint on the bathroom and some other miscellaneous things that take 50 times longer with baby in tow. Thank you Dore!

Next up is finish detail on the kitchen cabinets, installation and finish on the bathroom cabinets, bath and kitchen floors, countertops, finish electrical (switchplate covers, etc), light fixtures and trims, appliances and eventually, cabinet paint.

Can’t hardly wait.