Told to me this morning, after a night where Stella’s refusal to sleep nearly got her Walston Family Membership Card revoked:
“You know, if we just became meth addicts none of these sleep issues would matter.”
Things that either come out of my mouth or the mouth of those around me, and are just appalling enough to merit repeating.
Told to me this morning, after a night where Stella’s refusal to sleep nearly got her Walston Family Membership Card revoked:
“You know, if we just became meth addicts none of these sleep issues would matter.”
Told to me today…
“I’m not OCD. I’m just thorough in my tendencies.”
Steve to Stella:
“Stella! Put those down. Buddhas don’t do that.”
Me: “Hey Stella, I am going to blow-dry my hair in your room, okay?”
Stella: “Okay, but don’t knock anything over in there.”
Something you would only ever hear uttered in the Walston household:
“Please don’t subvert our daughter’s nerdification.”