Baby books of the new Millenium

How do Moms do it? How do they have the persistence and diligence to undertake the hurculean task of recording every detail of their precious childrens lives? Every moment, recorded with accuracy and precision — complete with lockets of hair, meticulous charts and graphs of weight/height/head circumfrence/finger length/hear rate, intricately detailed descriptions of their first steps, their first words, their first solving of the quadratic equation? How do they do it? Is this what separates the good moms from the bad? A sign of whose children are destined for greatness versus those who are destined for therapy? Yes, I have been terribly remiss in logging each and every wonderful thing Stella has done and no, I have no clue where her baby book even IS right now. Maybe instead, we have reached a new era. An era where instead of photo albums we have books of photo CDs and in place of meticulously kept baby books we have…blogs! Could I just be stuck in the middle of a huge shift in the space-time continuum? One where old ways are converging with new ones? Is there a scientific term for this? Should I make one up?