Revolving Door

Last weekend, I made a snap decision and decided to haul myself and the kids down to the valley for an impromptu visit. Although the grandparents were a little taken off guard, it was a nice opportunity for the three of us to get out of town and let Steve have some time alone with the house to finish all those inane project details – the ones that have allowed me to finally earn my official Nagging Wife card.

As for the trip, there were no real exciting details to report – at least none that weren’t otherwise reported via Twitter. (As you may have noticed, I have become reliant on my Twitter feed for most of my posting and updates lately. This would be the part where I would refer to Twitter and sliced bread in the same sentence.) Throughout the course of our journey I took a handful of photos, did a bit of shopping, and while the kids were glued to the DVD players during the drive to and from, I managed to catch up on some of my long overdue podcasts.

Tomorrow I leave for 4 days on business (thanks for pinch hitting with the kids, Celene), and the week after that we’ll have family here for our National Day of Thanks. The Stella/Steve extravaganza comes quickly thereafter, then back down to the valley for Christmas. I guess what I am saying is that you really should be keeping your eyes trained on that left column over there because my ability to string more than 140 characters together is going to be marginal, at best.

In the meantime, feel free to entertain yourselves with this Walstonling photo-recital.