Year 8: Coming Home

Today is Steve and I’s 8th wedding anniversary. 8 years. We are officially at that point in our relationship where there aren’t a whole lot of surprises. In fact, I would be willing to wager that if we were to enter the guess-what-your-doorknob-touching-spouse-is-going-to-say-next tourney, we’d be easily advancing to the finals about now. It’s that point in marriage where we know each other’s bizarre, yet predictable idiosyncratic ways. That point when you eerily start looking like one another. And accordingly, it is that point where sometimes we need to reassure one other that yes, we will be coming home at the end of the day.

Instead of adhering to one of the traditional/modern gifts, we opted for the more abstract theme of ink. More specifically, we got tattoos. Steve settled on his artwork pretty quickly, however I spent a ridiculous amount of time searching for the unfindable. Typical. So, after spending the better part of 2 months searching for the Loch Ness Monster of tattoo artwork, I re-focused my search, and settled on something that worked pretty nicely in terms of beauty and meaning.

As it ended up, Steve and I both went with artwork including swallows. The significance of the swallow in tattoo artwork has become almost cliché, however it was that retro component that we both found appealing. When in doubt, go back to the beginning. And, among other things, swallows are a symbol of loyalty, fidelity and coming home. Because in the end, I always will.

(click on The King to see the entire set)

6 thoughts on “Year 8: Coming Home

  1. Happy Anniversary! Loving the Ink!! Maybe you can start a new, hip trend.. first anniversary, paper…second anniversary, cotton…third anniversary, leather…….eighth anniversary, tattoos!

  2. I love it!! Eric & I have been trying to settle on “matching” tattoos since we got married – still no decision. I will let you know once we figure it out!

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