No Christmas, Just Carnies

Considering we have spent pretty much every day since Christmas trying to figure out how to assimilate the hulking pile of Christmas largesse into our living space in a way that doesn’t involve just piling it all up in the guest room, I have had nary a moment to sift through photos and organize my thoughts. I think – after building a new bookcase and an entire set of shelving in the mud room – we are almost able to put it all away. It has always been like this; we have things organized in such a way that adding one new item requires moving everything else we own into a new configuration — and you know how much Steve loves that. So you can imagine the swirling tornado that erupts each holiday season after Stella’s Birthday, Steve’s Birthday and Christmas. Next year? Perhaps a family-pass at Therapy Hut.

In order for us to sort through the remaining details like getting me a card reader for MY NEW MACBOOK!!!, I won’t be posting much for another couple of days.

Here, instead, is a photo set I found buried on my old hard drive while transferring all my data to MY NEW MACBOOK!!! last night. It is from last August when Steve took Stella to the fair.

Enjoy, and I’ll see y’all next year.