You don’t call, you don’t write…

Yes, I can hear it. Your whispers, your groans, your sighs each time you click your mouse and see that the same stale post is sitting there staring you in the face. Believe me, it is not my intention to torture you with inactivity. I miss you too. But the day-to-day reality of my life has been evolving in a way that keeps me from the computer for longer and longer periods of time – sometimes I will go days without even turning it on. As such, my ability to avail myself as a slave to these pages has become an increasingly greater challenge. Believe me when I say that I want to be writing – I really do. It is just that, lately, I have less and less opportunity to do so.

That said, you are just going to have to bear with me here. I am going to continue to write as often as I can, try to post pictures in between, and try to be more diligent about jotting down notes in my little moleskin journal (you know, the one I asked for for Christmas so that I could BETTER ORGANIZE MY BLOGGING NOTES), so that when I do actually have an opportunity to sit down and write, I will remember all the things that I forgot. There is just as much weird, funny, touching and maddening activity in my life these days, I just can’t keep up with it all.

Thanks for being patient, for hanging in there, and for being such dedicated readers…even if you do only come to these pages to look at the photos.

…And speaking of photos, for those of you who haven’t stumbled over there already, you can also check in at flickr to keep an eye on my photo archive. I post many more pictures over there than actually show up on the blog. (If you sign up for an account, you can post comments directly to those photos as well.)

One thought on “You don’t call, you don’t write…

  1. Hey,

    You are doing way better than me. Every time I tell someone a cute story about something Alex did, I get reminded that I should write that down. I occasionally get around to scribbling something in a notebook, but not enough. At least you have something to present down the road at your committal hearing….

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