Chubb’s Corner

Here in Ivanhoe, things are very quiet at Chubb’s Corner. The cats are eating peacefully and carefree again after the tiny girl left. Everyone except Fluffly (aka Coon) is relieved since the 27 pound cherub left; we never knew if they were afraid she would eat their food before they could or if they were afraid of the gleeful “Dat?” Grammy and Gramps miss her and really wish she were here to sit in the refrigerator again! Snow, hail and lots of rain entertained us at Shaver Lake this week-end. A marathon Phase Ten competition filled an entire afternoon; a puzzle is two thirds complete. Bob is feeling so much better he was able to stay awake as much as anyone else. Grammy is working everyday this week, again, which is a big shock to the retired psyche. Gramps is cooking and gardening…… Spring has sprung and we are enjoying the blossoms and sunshine!