The Hula

For what seems an eternity now, Stella’s favorite movie has been Lilo & Stitch. So much so, that we not only own the original and the sequel, but have also downloaded some of the music. She listens to it overandoverandoverandover and one of her favorite things to do is the Hula. It is pretty much one of the cutest things ever and she is SO into it, we have tried to figure out a way to get her signed up for lessons the next time they are on campus (which is yearly) even if she just gets to audit the first hour of the first class. I can only imagine it would be the most magical moment of her life. Not to mention, she tells me on a regular basis how we need to go to Hawaii. Who am I to tell her no?






One thought on “The Hula

  1. If Stella takes hula lessons, then I think that Steve should take them, too! Just imagine–Napoleon Dynamite doing the hula!

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