Then and now.

On reciting the alphabet.
Then: M&M Oh Pee
Now: L-M-N-O-P

On pronouncing her name.
Then: Teppa
Now: Teya

On spelling her name.
Then: S – T – E – E – E – L – L – L -L – L – A
Now: S – T – E – L – L – A

On mexican food.
Then: Enchiladas, and only enchiladas – no exceptions.
Now: Enchiladas, and only enchiladas – but sometimes a burrito.

On pronouncing her brother’s name.
Then: Quarter
Then: Porter
Now: Port

On bargaining.
Then: Bellowing NoWayNoWayNoWayNoWay.
Now: I knoooowww, let’s [insert desireable activity here] instead!

On lyrics to Twinkle, Twinkle.
Then: Uh-Uh-Uh woald so bwight…
Now: Up above duh woald so bwight…

On the appearance of the vacuum cleaner.
Then: Run. Hide
Now: Run. Hide

On demeanor at pre-school.
Then: Shy enough to be obedient and demure.
Now: Comfortable enough to whack another kid on the head with a shovel.

On counting.
Then: A-teeeeeen, Noyne-teen, Twentyteen
Now: Eighteen, Noyne-teen, Twenty

On interacting with the cat.
Then: The occasional tail-tug.
Now: Drags it around by hooking forearm under back hips.

On memory.
Then: Within 10 minutes, would forget nearly every fanciful thing offered up by parents in the heat of negotiation.
Now: Not only remembers every promise ever made, but even remembers promises that were never actually made.

On her perception of the universe.
Then: The center.
Now: Not taking it lightly that a certain someone has entered her orbit.

This entry was posted in Stella.