My Little Porter McGoo

Month one came and went. Month two sped by before I even realized it was gone. Month three was noted – yet still undocumented, and month four is less than two weeks away. And so here I finally am. Sorry about that, Porter.

UGH! You are soooooooo cute. You have been smiling, talking and really actively engaging for a couple of weeks now, and much to my delight, I have discovered that when I nuzzle the base of your jawbone you giggle with delight. Ahhhh, the giggle of an infant. Your father and I have always referred to this as baby crack. It is so addictive that we will do just about anything to get you to do it over and over and over and over. And over. I have also found that by poking you in just the right spots under your arms and on your breastbone you give me the same ebulliant response. If you only knew your superpowers.

Lately, you have done everything short of swallow your own fist in an attempt to have something to chew on. This only means one thing: teeth are on the way. It is only fitting that Dore bought you this shirt,


because you slobber like a german sheperd stranded in the desert.

And, this is the part where I gently inform you that you aren’t fat – you are just big boned. You have officially outgrown almost all of your 3-6 month sleepers and are now comfortably fitting into the 6-9 month size …and you are not even four months old yet. Yes, you have the cutest most kissable Buddah belly EVER, but by no means are you one of those sharpei-looking babies with wrinkles and rolls and no end of creases and folds. You, instead, are broad-chested, with a narrow waist and flat butt. Your X chromosome is in full effect.

Your sister. Ahhhhh, your sister. She is coming around. Don’t get me wrong, she has never had it out for you personally. She really seems to like you. But she also knows also that we like you – therefore, giving her ample ammunition to get our attention whenever she feels like it. Sorry that you have to be the tool in this giant equation. On the upside, I have recently seen some amazing moments that make me so excited for the time when you are old enough to really play with her (read: take orders) and begin establishing your sibling relationship. If your personality right now is any indication, your passivity coupled with her ultimate bossiness is sure to be a perfect match. Nature, obviously, knows what she is doing.

All in all, it has been a pretty awesome first couple of months. We have been exhausted and overwhelmed and beside ourselves with trying to figure out how we are going to manage as a family of four, but there are those moments like when I am hugging you, and your sister demands that both she and your dad join in that makes it the most amazing experience in the world.