6 thoughts on “Ushering in the Big Three-Four

  1. I have looked closely at the eyes, smiles and necks of the four of you and (as one who knows) all of you look twenty-four, not that other number you mentioned!! What a cute group! Did this involve dancing around the kitchen or just giggling in the back yard?

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SISTER, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you and drink whatever those fabulous looking cocktails were. Looks like you had alot of fun with the girls. Lots of Love to You on your special day.

  3. Just remember Natalie June 19th will always be “Your Special Day” no matter what craziness is going on in your world…and I’ll always remind you of that every year! Happy Birthday…Hugs and Kisses.

  4. Dear sweet Natalie,
    Happy Belated Birthday! You look Beautiful in the photo. I loved seeing Porter, what a cutie! I hope the year is filled with wonderful things. I hope we see eachother again soon. Much Love, Rabia

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