Chaos and Sanity in Peaceful Coexistence

Porter’s current repertoir includes: sleeping, eating, not sleeping, marathon hiccuping, crying, perfecting his aim in long-distance projectile spitting and peeing all over the place each time his diaper is being changed. Not bad for being just short of 2 weeks old.

(you can either click here, or on the photo to see the Porter Portfolio: Week 1)

It is so hard to remember exactly when Stella settled down into a regular sleep-wake cycle, which makes it that much more difficult to feel optimistic that our sleep schedule will find a rhythm anytime soon. Thankfully, Stella has been a champ at sleeping through all the late-night activities – a miracle, considering we are up no less than 4 times a night. My mantra of late: although things are crazy, they could be SO much worse.

We have had to resort to some less than desirable tools in our attempts at maintaining sanity, and Stella has watched Toy Story roughly 67 times in the short period since receiving it on Easter. I have even been so desparate as to try to buy her a new video (Shrek) so we don’t have to hear “To Infinity and beyond!” one more time, but she would have none of it. It’s Toy Story or it’s nothing. End of story.

Through all this insanity I have been somehow able to recognize – and revel in – some of the finer moments, the kind of moments that give me hope that I have not yet reached the dead end of Sanity Avenue. Like when Stella and I sat quietly on the kitchen floor sharing a peanut butter sandwich, or getting to sit with Porter propped up in front of me watching him try to focus his little eyes on the mini-blinds behind my head. And then there was the brief glimpse of normalcy I witnessed this past week when, on one of our rare sunny days, we had the house opened up and the radio on, Stella was running in and out, and Steve and I were cooking in the kitchen while I wore Porter in the sling, nestled contently against my chest. A moment that made me realize just how worth it it all really is.

2 thoughts on “Chaos and Sanity in Peaceful Coexistence

  1. Ah, the joys of family life…nothing quite like it and such an adorable one to boot. Is steve ever awake while holding Porter? Favorite Porter pictures…Wide eyed dumbo ears, mouth open baby birdie mama-feed-me and of course, big sister helping out. Great pics!

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