NPR: National Public Radio / No Pregnancy Reprieve

The Wait Wait… show was utterly awesome. Steve and I were still amazed that someone actually was dumb enough to do a live taping from Humboldt County – an audience pool not necessarily known for it’s ability to keep from making animal noises and blurting out answers. If it wasn’t for editing software we would probably never get an opportunity to see such coolness. (For those who are interested, the show will air here locally on Saturday morning at 10:00)

I can only assume the baby loved it just as much as we did, as it didn’t stop moving throughout the entire performance. I am sure my laughing – and therefore, constantly contracted stomach muscles – didn’t help things much. I think secretly both Steve and I were wondering if I would go into labor and have it all somehow caught on live radio. No such luck. Similarly, the full moon didn’t have the desired affect of cosmically connecting with my uterus and causing my body to admit that this whole romantic journey is over. (When I went in for my final Non-Stress Test this morning at the childbirth center we were informed that last night there were 5 births in a two hour period.)

One thought on “NPR: National Public Radio / No Pregnancy Reprieve

  1. You are so awesome Nataliel 4 hrs. of labor and a 9 and 1/2 pound baby. I hope you feel strong, powerful and as if you could conquer the world. I know that dad and grandparents are all pretty proud of you and Porter. Congratulations from Chris and Lynn

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