Our newest addition

Before I even begin: NO, I have not had the baby. I am not in labor, nor am I feeling particularly clairvoyant and able to tell if I will be in labor anytime soon. Believe me, we’ll let you know.

Now that we have that out of the way…

I am finally experiencing the freedom to sit down and use the computer without the feeling that someone is hovering uncomfortably in the background waiting to pounce the moment I leave my seat. Not only do I have to deal with Stella’s relentless insistence that we spend hours at sesamestreet.com, but I now have a husband who has finally begun to realize his dream as a web person. He has managed to weasel himself into a position of some power in regards to the Mac High website, and has been spending countless hours working on a new content management system with which they will host their pages.

Why then all of a sudden am I free to use the computer to update my blog with 4 days worth of compiling posts? Well, it might have to do with the fact that I am staring at a box that just arrived from Dell. Inside this box is a laptop computer that someone has convinced me “we have been discussing for months” and impulsively purchased last week “because it was such a sweet deal!”

It is really sad to watch a grown man trying to supress his urges to rip the box open (which he eventually did), pull out the computer and start geeking out in set-up and configuration mode. Every ten minutes or so, he walks over to the box and pulls a new component out “just to look” or “just to get this part charging” or “just stare at it lovingly and stroke it’s lovely blue chassis” It is just sad, people.

The upside is that I will now have more time to use the computer, if I so choose. The downside is that I am about ready to double my pleasure (and my fun) in the kid department, and don’t foresee a time when the two of us will ever be able to sit for extended periods of time at a computer simultaneously.

But come on, it was such a great deal!

2 thoughts on “Our newest addition

  1. I am wondering if this “great deal” economic theory is related to this “look at all the money I saved” theory: Today I shopped at Gottschalks and each item I bought was 30% off. Since it was Tuesday, I got another 15% off by using my Senior Discount Card ( vanity aside, I finally got one). In addition, since I had a “Secret Sale” coupon I was able to rub off the sticker and had another 15% subtracted from the total. The question is, since I didn’t need anything I bought, did I save money? (Dampa, the 1964 CSUF Finance Major, says no.) I think I saved a bunch!!

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