Where Betty Ford and bodily functions collide.

I don’t want to jinx it, so I won’t say much at this point other than today was Day 1 of Potty Training Boot Camp – kind of a diaper rehab, if you will. Our house was converted to a den of discussions on pee and poop, with treat cups stationed in every room of the house. Every 15 minutes (as determined by the kitchen timer) she was asked to check if she was dry. If she was (with the exception of 1 time she was) she would get one treat. If she successfully filled her potty chair she would get two treats. We only had to send two pairs of her big-girl panties to the laundry room – and that was all before 10am. By the end of the evening she was voluntarily heading to the chair and taking care of business on her own.

Aside from the fact that we were quarantined to the house all day and obsessed with talking about bodily functions, we tried to make it as normal as possible:

And we’re off:

the poser

Puzzle time:


Leisure reading

leisure reading


popsicle eater


stella pedicure

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