Just wondering out loud…

Is there an amount of sour cream that could become potentially toxic to a toddler? I would venture that most of us consider it a condiment to go with whatever we are consuming at the moment. In Stella’s world, sour cream is the main dish and the accompanying food as simply a vessel with which she can consume the sour cream. Dip. Slurp. Dip. Slurp. Dip. Slurp. Usually for each individual black bean she will consume roughly a quarter cup of sour cream – taking double-dipping to a whole new level. When the tediousness of using food starts getting to her (and it always does), she digresses to using a finger. If anyone has heard of death by overdose of sour cream, now would be a good time to let me know.

2 thoughts on “Just wondering out loud…

  1. Not that I have heard about any ACTUAL deaths by sour cream, I have had my suspicions for some time now. When Stella gets older, I will have the “white stuff” chat with her…………no need to thank me, it’s my pleasure.

  2. Wish all my kids like that much sour cream, then I could eat it more often. I do however have a 6yr old that had a craving all summer for Horsey Sauce on everything. Couldn’t keep enough of it in the house. His twin sister didn’t share this particular taste though. Even though he is turning her into a total tomboy. Your daughter should be fine in getting her daily allowance of calcium and vitamins. Now how does she like lemons. :)

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