150 beats per minute

So, I heard the baby’s heartbeat today for the first time. I also found out that much to my pleasure I, indeed, had not gained 15 pounds over the last 5 weeks. Between my sloth-like behavior and my inability to eat anything that is not positively carb-o-licious, I feel like the Michelin Woman these days. Thankfully, the death stare I gave the scale – willing it to weigh me in at a reasonable poundage – worked, and I only registered a 4 pound weight gain. Now, if I could just put together an outfit that does not place any more emphasis on the fact that I do not look pregnant – just fat, it would be a miracle. I am SO going through that awkward, adolescent phase of pregnancy.

2 thoughts on “150 beats per minute

  1. Can’t you incorporate audio over this web site, come on now Natalie, your the wizard at this. I want to hear my new grandbaby and if anyone can figure it out, you can! Also, Honey, your not a sloth, you get to have this couch time.There’s no doubt in my mind Stella gives you plenty of running time. Just remember…every pregnant woman is beautiful, no matter what stage your in!

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