Yo, Dampa: Happy Birthday!

stella and gramps

To the hokey joke-tellin-ist, book-reading-ist, super grampa-ist, overall-takin’-care-of-ist, guy around: We salute you.

Happy Birthday.

One thought on “Yo, Dampa: Happy Birthday!

  1. Perhaps you would be interested in the background of this photo? Usually all of us (Stella, Grandpa and Grammy) swim in swimsuits. This was not swimming time….. Grammy was cooking dinner and Stella and Grandpa were playing outside. Somehow they decided to “get their feet wet.” When the water reached Stella’s shorts, I took a Nemo swim diaper out for her. This picture was the next stage….. she was all the way in. However, the next few pictures are the most revealing: Dampa is completely in the water in his clothes in order to provide the “motor” for Stella’s boat! Ah, Grandparents, so easy to operate even a child can do it!

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