Our first week with the new big-girl bed has offered up a full range of sleeping exploits. It is simply amazing to me how, some days she will go to sleep on the first try, without any problems at all and other days – like oh, say, WEDNESDAY – she will outright refuse to sleep at all.
Here are her stats for the week.
Fallen out of bed: 1
Found sleeping on the floor in her room: 1
Found crying in the hallway: 2
Fooled us into thinking she’s asleep when really she is going through the entire contents of a box of wipes: 1
Required Blue and White for sleep ritual: 0
Number of books required before bedtime: infinite “how bout dat wun?”
I have been pleasantly surprised by the fact that she hasn’t used her new “get out of bed free card” to spiral us into a civil war of sleep, and has instead given us a glimmer of hope that on some level she is willing to meet us half-way.
Thank You, Stella.
Stella, congrats on a successful week in the big girl bed. As far as falling out of the bed is concerned, do not fear, just be thankful that, A. you are not sleeping in a bunk bed on a top bunk. B. there are not built in drawers under each bunk to fall out on to. Yes, I am speaking from personl experience. Just ask your mother about why I was pretty much banned from sleeping on the top bunk as a child. But even after falling off the top bunk oh, say, at least a dozen times, I never broke anything. So welcome to big girl bed status, and know there is nothing to fear as long as there is never a top bunk.