Hope you’re feline better.

Celene called today to say that after weeks of not-himselfness, Scooter – their equivalent of Stella – was given the diagnosis of renal failure. Being the young pup – er, kit – that he is, he has good chances of living a life filled with tuna, pork and monkeys.

Be ye warned my young sister: just because you have chosen to have a cat instead of a child does not mean you won’t be required to shell out the equivalent of a college tuition. This time it is medical bills. Next time it may be a replacement set of living room furniture — lest you forget, part of the treatment protocol is that he has to be locked indoors at all times.


Get well soon, Scooter!

3 thoughts on “Hope you’re feline better.

  1. Thank You Natalie! We appreciate the shout out to our sweet boy. Hopefully he’ll be home soon.

  2. Hi, I’m Steve’s aunt that he almost never hears from. I just heard about their web site, so thought I’d check in. And there was a picture of a very handsome kitty, my kind of kid. Anyway I hope that Scooter will be better and home, soon.

  3. Hi Ginny. Always nice to have a new visitor. I know Celene and Thad appreciate your kind thoughts. Normally, any post on this site about cats rants about how our cats are evil and methodically planning our deaths.

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