walscapades beta version 1.0

Today marks the official launch of walscapades.com.

Firstly, I need to give credit where credit is due. Thank you to Grampa Andy for his winning entry in the “name the new blog” contest. After careful review, it was decided that this one met all criteria and, more importantly, wasn’t already taken. Your prize will be to not have to ever remodel our kitchen again during the rainy season.

As for the rest of this site, my testing has consisted of calling Andrea and asking her to look at it on her Mac and, well, that’s about it. This is what we call in the industry a Beta version. Pretty much meaning, if it breaks you can’t blame me. So if your keyboard bursts into flames when you load the page you should probably let me know. Likewise, if you experience any other adverse affects it would probably be a good idea to drop me an email so I can try to make it a more pleasurable experience for you. And to all of you grandmas out there: not posting enough is NOT considered broken, so don’t even try suggesting it.

The site has some expanded content, and better methods for archiving. It also allows me much more flexibility in design. What this means to you: if at any point you come to the site and it is broken, flashing blue and yellow, and displaying text written in Russian, this probably means I am working on it and will hopefully have it up and running again soon. Consider it a work in progress.

I will probably be posting a tutorial titled “Comments are your friend” so that – gasp! – all of you out there who call or email me in response to what I write on these pages (you know who you are) can actually get the hang of responding in the forum provided for you!

Happy reading!

4 thoughts on “walscapades beta version 1.0

  1. Great Job Nat! It looks great, and aren’t you so proud, I am using the comments key, because yes ‘I was one of those who knew who they were.’ I am so looking forward to our visit in a couple weeks. Can’t wait to finally see your new kitchen. Tell my sweet Stella her ‘Ant Peene’ is coming to see her. Lots of love, C&T

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