It’s A Stella Thing

The Number Thing:
So all of you family members of the male persuasion will be thrilled to know that Stella can correctly identify (without even being asked, thank you very much) where the 8 and the 2 are on a tape measure. Oh, and that it is yellow.

The Laundry Thing:
Stella also has exhibited firm grasp on the laundering process, properly identifying who each and every piece of clothing belongs to (no, I am not kidding, she didn’t even miss one), helping to load said pieces into the washer, pointing out the door, the soap, the water and the buttons. Oh Stella, the laundromats that await you.

The Cup Thing:
She refuses to allow me to put the lid on her tippy cup, insisting that she drink it “big girl style.” I have mopped up more milk off the floor than I care to even mention, but far be it for me to impede “progress.”

The Owie Thing:
So somewhere along the line, Stella wound up with an owie on her finger. During this episode she was enlightened to the concept of kissing the owie. So now, whenever she hurts herself she kisses her finger and runs to you crying “owie, owie” and holding out her finger….even if she hurt her head. And the best part: no matter where she was hurt, when you kiss her finger, she feels better.

The Sleeping Through the Night Thing:
Oh wait, she doesn’t. Never mind.