My Favoritest Things

Hi Dadeeeee!

Mom let me use the computer to write to you for Father’s Day. She said she will do something called editing…whatever that is. I don’t care — I just like hitting the keys and clicking the mouse pad.

steve and stella

Dadeeee, you are the greatest. I have so much fun with you. These are the things I like the most:

  • When you read me stories. Mom says you don’t really read the words that are on the page, but I don’t care. You make the stories better. You tell me stuff about the characters that isn’t in the book and add cool other stuff too — like when you read me Walter the Farting Dog and make all the good farting noises. I am getting really good and making them too.
  • When we spend fun time together in the morning. I like getting up early and so do you. It is always fun when we play together in the mornings, especially on the weekends when you and I make breakfast and play and stuff. I love it when you make me cheesy eggs and we sit on the floor and eat together. Plus, you pick out really good clothes for me (even though Mom says sometimes you don’t).
  • I love it when you come home from work. I always drop whatever I am doing when I hear the front door open and run to find you. That is my favorite.
  • We do lots of fun stuff in the yard. We find worms and bugs and pick berries and smell flowers. You let me help you when you are working. I am a good helper. Remember when we picked all those berries and made a pie? That was so fun. We ate pie everyday for breakfast, and you said, “Stella, you are lucky that I am someone who understands that pie is always appropriate for breakfast.” Yum!

steve and stella

Dadeeee, you are the best. You always play with me and tell me lots of good stuff about the things I find in the yard. You never get mad at me and always kiss my owies. I am so lucky that I have such a nice dadeeee.

steve and stella

Happy Father’s Day. I love you, Dadeeee!