Beware of the cheese blob

So here I sit, glass of wine in one hand- keyboard in the other, watching Stella consume a dinner that consists of organic chicken hot dogs (with mustard, natch), black beans and green beans — lots and lots of green beans. The kid can’t get enough of them. Oh, and juice. Oh, and did I mention that this was all just to tide her over until the pizza comes off the bbq? What have we come to? I swore I would not become the mom who feeds her kid nothing but chicken mcnuggets and Kraft Mac & cheese. I am only a stone’s throw from high-maintenance-food-issues-kid-ville. Man, once this remodel is done….watch out perfect parent land, you are gonna have one more resident!! ;)

So the cabinets are coming along swimmingly. I confided in Peter that I am slowly starting to realize that red seems to be migrating quickly towards the top of my the favorite color list. I would never have considered red one of ‘my colors’. If someone asked me I would probably say orange, yellow — you know, typical Natalie colors. Somehow, when I look at my red purse and my red shoes I just bought, and the boxed red hair I color I sport, and the red paint I selected to have over half of my kitchen painted I am starting to see a pattern. So, anyway– back to the cabinets . It is looking like they will be completed by Friday. They are looking awesome! If we manage to get them painted and dry without any cute little handprints it will be a miracle.

Well, dinner is over and aside from the aforementioned tasty tidbits, our precious one also consumed an entire piece of pineapple/canadian bacon pizza (only choking on the cheese-blob once). I know you grandmothers out there love this kind of information. To all others — bear with us.

The first round of family has shown up, with another set potentially shortly behind (uncertainty has to do with a pyracantha thorn, swollen knee and an orthopedist). Aside from some time out for mother’s day festivities, it’s all about getting this [expletive deleted] remodel done!! We are so close. All we need is cabinet hardware for the bathroom, and we can abandon the Red Tail Ale box we have been using as a toiletries drawer and actually move all the bathroom mess currently residing in our bedroom into it’s new home in the bathroom.

Pictures to follow soon….