In the beginning….

So, I’ll start things out with an status report.

Recovery Status: Good
Although still totally bummed out about the things that will never be able to be replaced, we have forged ahead in getting back to daily life. Reclaiming our house was a big hurdle, installing a pricey alarm was key, as well as the obligatory shopping trip to fill in some of the gaps of what was taken. I would recommend this to no one and hope that none of you will ever have to go through it. Our advice to everyone: 1) review your homeowners policy — especially in regards to jewelry, 2) even if you choose not to have an alarm, see if you can get your hands on some alarm stickers — 1 in 4 unalarmed homes is burglarized, 1 in 600 alarmed homes is burglarized, and 3) get to know your neighbors, they can be your best ally (and you, theirs).

Countdown until Stella starts walking
Estimated days: 25-30
She is definitely taking her time, but if our exuberance for her to start crawling was any lesson, we are in no real rush to step up on the mobility front. She has given us a couple of little steps here and there, but overall would rather drop and fly than dangerously stagger along.

Steve’s work
Status: autopilot
The school year is moving along pretty quickly and there is little doubt that having this many personal distractions has made it that much harder to feel like the heart and soul are in it as much as he would like. Hopefully as our lives calm back down (yeah, right — the holiday/birthday season begins in three short weeks!), it will be easier to dedicate energies wholeheartedly back towards school.

Natalie’s work
Status: chaos
An announcement was just made that my department was going to undergo dismantling and reorganization. My position is going to be under major reconstruction. Which, incidentally, is a good thing. Additionally, things are starting to happen in the web office. Because of my history with all things web here on campus, I am in a good position to make some changes…..if I can make up my mind about the direction I want my career to take at this point.

That should do it for now. Photos to come along shortly.