Passing the Torch

Last Thursday was Stella’s open house at school. Here is her self-portrait from the portrait wall; she obviously has her father’s ears.

Self Portrait

Then there was this little gem.

If I were...

I gave her some grief about the little brother crack, especially considering what happened next.

We figured that, as long as we were there, it would be a good idea to also visit the kindergarten classrooms for a certain other young Walston who will be entering the ranks of public education this fall. As would be expected, this young male Walston was resistant when presented with the idea. So, we kicked in to quirkiness-management-mode and manipulated the situation. Next thing you know we were strolling into the kindergarten rooms and saying, “Hey! Look at this, I think this is Stella’s old Kindergarten classroom – what a coincidence!” Damn, we’re good.

Then, the most heart melting sibling moment occurred: As Steve and I feigned disinterest and chatted with the teacher, I off-handedly suggested that Stella show Porter around. She caught the hint, and started pointing out the various projects on the walls, and he scooted up shyly behind her and reached for her hand.


Ugh. Could you just die?