Fuel to Her Fire

One of the other notable items from this year’s annual snow-stravaganza was that Stella found her holy grail in the form of a precocious boy and his feline sidekick. Yes, that is my fancy way of saying she’s totally addicted to Calvin & Hobbes. At some point, while rifling through the stacks of books up at the cabin she came across one of Steve and/or Scott’s anthologies, and the rest was history.

She read…

Someone Has Found Her Holy Grail

And she read….

Someone Has Found Her Holy Grail

And then, when we got home she checked out a new one from her school library and read some more….

Someone Has Found Her Holy Grail

Mother’s Note: The best part of this is the where she forged a relationship with Calvin based on his wit and adventure and not on what he is able to pee on. Hollah!