Wait, is that MENSA I hear calling?

Okay, so let’s recap. Stella (aka the most brilliant 16 month old e-v-e-r) can now do the following:

1. Identify colors
Dad to Stella while at the shoe store: “Stella, where is the orange shoe?”
Stella walks to, picks up and identifies said orange shoe.

2. Identify animals
Grandpa Andy to Stella while holding two different animal shaped paper plates: “Stella which one is the bear?”
Stella contemplates briefly then points to aforementioned bear and says “Dat!”

3. Speak sign language
Mom to Stella: “Tell your gramps thank you for that 5th bite of kaluah cream pie”
Stella signs ‘thank you’ to Gramps

4. Almost say the word Alligator
Dad to Stella: “Can you say Alligator?”
Stella to Dad: Aligulagulagula
(Gramps is working on ‘Recycling’ but we are not quite there yet)

Next up — String theory!