Chubb’s Corner Spring Update

Mr. and Mrs. William Walston are announcing the arrival of a litter of kitties (again!). Miss Tiger Lily Walston, the mother, chose to use the Alice Bly Memorial Kitty Birthing Center across the street for delivery, as do most Walston cats. A few months ago Tiger Lily refused to be transported via carrier to Dr. Romaine for a little feminine surgery,a fact that was not ignored by certain neighborhood rues. Hence, her “situation”. Regardless, the Walston people are looking forward to hearing the pitter pat of little feet again, Uncle Chubbs is babysitting so she can get away once in awhile, and whenever she shows up she gets fed. (You can’t have straggly kitties, you know.) More details will follow when she presents the litter officially. Adoption to good homes will be considered.