Because he just felt like running.

When grieving your brother’s death turns into ritualistic and therapeutic morning walks with the dog, which turn to once-a-week jogs with the dog, which then turn to increasingly lengthy runs, which turn into a couple recreational 3Ks, then a 9 miler across the beach, then a marathon through the redwoods, then a 30K trail run, then a 50K trail run on the “Trail Through Time”, then back to a 30K because, well – you know, no one likes a show off.

I am amazed at how easy it has been for him. He has a natural athletic ability and motivation to not only push himself physically, but also has stepped outside his social comfort zone to make genuine and honest connections with this rich and supportive community of runners.

Way to go, babe.

Mt Tam 30K
Weaver Basin 50K
Golden Gate 30K
Visalia Emergency Aid 5K


This entry was posted in Steve.