Pushed, pulled, wiggled, YANKED!

Last week Stella started complaining that her tooth hurt. My first thought? CAVITY! But upon closer inspection I determined that no, we did not have to commence with a root canal, my girl had her first loose tooth. She has been impatiently waiting for this moment ever since her friends started losing theirs and was downright gleeful that within a short period of time she was going to join the bloody gums club.

By last night I seriously thought she was going to take a pair of pliers to it. Somehow, she managed to contain herself until this morning when I told her that I could see the root and she needed to just PULL IT OUT ALREADY! So she did.


3 thoughts on “Pushed, pulled, wiggled, YANKED!

  1. Stella, don’t let the Tooth Fairy feed you a line of crap about recessions or bad economy…….I have it on good authority Mrs. Tooth Fairy has her eye on a new kitchen. I think it’s at least $20.00 or a King sized bag of M&Ms (that you get to eat whenever you want) for the FIRST tooth. Congrats on reaching another “growing up” milestone.

  2. Just when you thought a smile couldn’t get any sweeter! There’s something about a toothless smile (and I’m not talking one on an old, hairy guy from the Ozarks) that is just so adorable. Congratulations Stelly Belle!!

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