Body Language

This lovely frock arrived last Friday. As you can see, she is trying to keep herself from exploding into a glittery pile of Disney princess micro-particulates. Even the graininess of the photo doesn’t mask the raging boil of joy that erupted the moment she slid into it’s iridescent embrace. Saying she loves this costume doesn’t even come close to covering it. When she talked to Dore on the phone that afternoon and proclaimed that this was her best day ever, she was clearly not. even. kidding.


2 thoughts on “Body Language

  1. Just to clarifiy, in reference to the Ariel costume, Stella stated that this was “the most exciting time of my (her) life”! I have known Stella since day one of her life, I don’t know that I have ever heard her make such a proclomation…………….ever. You rock Ariel………..I mean Stell.

  2. Stella just couldn’t be any cuter! That smile and those hands say it all. My work is definitely cut out for me next year.

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