Get out your lighters.

For Father’s Day, Steve got a veritable plethora of gifts: leather gloves, stainless water bottle, drill holster, bag of peanut butter chips, plaid shirt – because, you know, nothing says Happy Father’s Day like a bag of peanut butter chips. One of the random assortment of gifts of honor also included a Journey CD. The only thing missing from this list is a set of mini-screwdrivers. Oh wait. Nevermind, he got one of those too.

Not that I am a Journey expert or anything (that is the job of my muscle-shirt-wearin’-Trans-Am-drivin’ husband and brother-in-law), but I have heard those anthems enough times to recognize that something was different. Granted, it took me the better part of 4 songs to reach this conclusion. I off-handedly mentioned that this must have been one of those “digitally remastered collections”, at which point I was schooled on their new incarnation. Apparently they found a new lead singer that is a vocal dead-ringer for Steve Perry. It’s almost creepy.

We managed to catch Stella’s interpretive dance to Faithfully on video. Especially touching, is when she dedicates it to Steve for Father’s Day. I immediately tried calling dibs on it for my site, but Steve would have none of it. So we arm-wrestled. That didn’t work either. So, here it is over on his site. Go there at your own risk. If the kelly green doesn’t give you a blinding headache, then the contrasting yellow surely will. I can’t believe I am actually going to let this man have administrative permissions to my website.