
Right about the time that we started having family discussions about getting a dog, Stella threw her vote on the table: A Chee-WAH-wah! (Yes, pronounced exactly like this.)

Um, Do we look like a chihuahua family to you?

It has nothing to do with her ever actually seeing one in real life, or even on tv for that matter, but rather because her favorite book’s main character is a siamese cat who thinks he is a dog. More specifically, a Chee-WAH-wah! It is this, and this alone that is the sole basis for her vote. Her vote, which ranks 100% opposite of mine, which puts this particular category of dog dead last.

To worsen matters, I came upon this movie trailer today. Perhaps it is because deep down, all I ever want to do is give my daughter everything she wants, but am tempered by the fact that doing so would be the directly identifiable source of my mental unravel; perhaps it is because I thought it was oddly funny and entertaining too, but today I showed her this video clip, which was promptly followed by the question, “Can I watch it again? Can we have that song for the iPod? Again! Again! Again!”

This entry was posted in Stella.

2 thoughts on “Che-WAH-wah

  1. Ummmm…….No! That movie trailer is wrong in so many ways, I don’t even know where to begin. And all I can say is, Natalie, you soooo did this to yourself!!

  2. Do you know what kind of dog is similar to a che-WAH-wah? You got it – the super-duper beagle/fox terrier mix…and I know just where to find one.

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