If you hide it, they will come.

So, Easter turned out to be your usual affair. Eggs. Chocolate. Chocolate eggs. And, the sad realization that not one, but both of my children would sell their souls to the devil for a single Hershey’s kiss. You’ll notice as you flip through the Easter morning pics that both of my children have a faint brown line encircling their mouths. Then you will look more closely and realize that it is not even light outside yet. By 11:30 Porter was already sleeping off his high fructose corn syrup bender and Stella was on her third round of easter egg hunting – insisting that she hide them, then we hide them, then she hide them again. Then she dropped the basket and all of them broke and we were finally given a reprieve – not to mention enough hard boiled eggs to eat egg salad for the next 2 weeks.

We ended up the day in Trinidad with friends, more eggs and some amazingly temperate weather.

All in all, Porter’s only real interest in Easter involved the consumption of candy. You’ll notice that he kept himself a safe distance from all egg dying activities, and when it came to the egg hunt, he stopped after the first egg he found – choosing to sit down and harvest and eat all the chocolate within.

When I picked him up from school today the teacher who leads circle time said that she asked all the kids if they got to gather easter eggs yesterday. My son’s response? He stood up and yelled CHAWWWWW-CUT!