Well Wishes

I know it has been a virtual millennium since I posted last. And although I have been laboring through a post for about a week now – recounting the illness that swept through our household, the trip that followed and all the details therein, I’m realizing that I’d rather just throw up a link to the photos and let you make up your own version of what happened. Overall, it was fun, but mostly uneventful, save for a cat lost for three days in the snow and the fact that my parent’s house looks like they have recently become hillbilly dirt farmers. Oh, and Thad lost his job…then got another one. You know, the usual.

So instead of sifting through paragraphs of boring details about what I did on my winter vacation, I’d like you to instead take some time to conjure as much positive energy as you can muster and pass it along to Dore and her family. Her brother will be going in for brain surgery first thing Monday morning. After realizing that the remaining pieces of tumor (from first diagnosis and surgergy 5 years ago) had increased in size, they opted to go in for another round of removal.

Hang in there, Dore. You’ll be in all of our thoughts.