Dead to Me

It is no secret that I have serious issues when it comes to poor customer service. Knowing this, you will not be surprised at my response to this recent interaction – an interaction that literally frustrated me to the point of tears. However, you will be surprised at which business will – after 10 long years – never again see me walk through it’s doors again.

This letter will be going out in tomorrow’s mail:

Hello Beth,

Although you have likely been briefed by your staff on this issue, I feel it is important for you, as the owner, to understand my perspective and the results from this unfortunate situation.

I bought my husband a pair of shoes for Christmas, with the hope that the usual sizing would work. As it turned out, it didn’t. Today, (the 8th) my husband tried exchanging them for the larger size at the Arcata store, only to be told that the return period had expired. Although it does state your 7-day return policy on the receipt, I obviously overlooked it, and incorrectly assumed we had 30 days. It is especially inexcusable considering both the frequency in which I shop at your stores, and how long I have been a customer. But, to be perfectly honest, in all the time I have been shopping at North Soles, it has just never come up as an issue.

After being told no, he dropped them off with me and asked me to inquire again in Eureka. And, although I was informed that they had the exact same shoe style in the size he needed, I was also told no. As I began to question the issue I was then told that it also looked like they had been worn. (They hadn’t)

So, I followed up with the general manager at the Arcata store. Again, but with increasing curtness, I was told that I was trying to return a used pair of shoes and that I should have paid closer attention to the receipt – after all, the grace period had been extended. All I wanted was to be given an equivalent pair of shoes that fit. I wasn’t asking for cash, I wasn’t trying to exchange for a different style, I just wanted to go home with a pair of shoes that my husband could actually wear. Instead, I was left with a useless pair of shoes, and the desire to never shop in your stores again.

I guess the bigger issue, and the reason I am writing this letter at all, is that I was so completely frustrated with how I was treated – basically as though I was trying to cheat you, and that it was repeatedly made clear to me that your inventory policy was far more important than my patronage.

In actuality, I am a customer who has shopped at North Soles for over 10 years, and used to be recognized and greeted by Cynthia, Kate and their staff whenever I’d come in to shop. (Still am, by Kate a couple of doors down). I have continued to shop at your store, even though the personal touches are gone, and although the online experience may be cheaper, I have always had a desire to support local business. Although your staff didn’t know any of this, I would expect fair and reasonable customer service.

I understand that you have these policies for a reason, and that your staff needs to make decisions in support of viable business practices. However, this experience left me frustrated and offended. I am aware that it will most likely be your instinct to defend your staff and your policies, however I do want you to know that because of this experience you have lost my business. I will inform my family and friends to no longer buy me the usual gift certificates, and will no longer bring visiting friends and family in for the usual shopping (my Mom buys at least one pair just about every time she visits). I also will freely share this experience with whoever is interested.

I know it may not seem it, but it really does make me sad that this has transpired. There is a personalized and comfortable experience to shopping the Plaza merchants that I have always enjoyed, and unfortunately, North Soles no longer embodies that for me.

Thanks for your time,

Natalie Walston

This entry was posted in Ranting.

3 thoughts on “Dead to Me

  1. Great letter. I saw Kristi this evening for a haircut and shared the story with her……….and the women in the next chair………and the women in the next chair after that! Everyone was shocked and agreed that North Soles clearly made the wrong business decision. They can’t buy this kind of PR as I’m sure all the women who were briefed this evening will go on to tell others.

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