Happy 30th Birthday, Celene

Well Sis, you know we would really have loved to help you celebrate your big three-oh, alas, all you’ll be getting from us this year is a giant bucket of disappointment, served up with a healthy helping of Biblical-scale storms. We are thinking of you, and hoping that you have a fun and memorable 30th birthday, followed up by one, big, kick-ass honeymoon in Australia. We promise to have something wonderful waiting for you upon your triumphant return from the land of kangaroos and giant cans of beer.

As for today, we’ll be sure and have a round in your honor, and reminisce fondly of the 30 years I have spent emotionally and physically torturing you. Congratulations on 30 years of survival. That’s my birthday message to you.

And here, you have Stella singing you her own special version of Feliz Cumpleanos, along with Porter’s typically uncooperative accompaniment. At least you get an “I love you” out of him at the end. I hope you understand the relevance here, as he won’t do that for just anyone. HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY, CELENE!

Oh, and as for Steve’s special birthday commentary: Rock and Rolllllll! (sung in falsetto)

Happy 30th, girl. Make it memorable.

One thought on “Happy 30th Birthday, Celene

  1. What more can I say then THANK YOU!!!!!! And Natalie, I forgive you for all those times you smothered me with a pillow and I told you I couldn’t breathe and you responded by telling me that I wouldn’t be able to say that if I couldn’t breathe! I Love You Natalie! I can’t believe I’m 30!, but there is no better treat than watching my two most favorite small people sing me Happy Birthday. Thank you Stella and Porter, I love you more than anything!!! And Steve, DEF LEPPARD RULES!!!

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