The giving of the thanks, in 5 words.

  1. TracBall: Yet another vintage piece of inventory from the Walston game arsenal.
  2. Tractors: As in, when you hear Porter bellow Gactahhhhh!! you either haul him out to sit on the lawnmower, or listen to him scream endlessly. Actually, same goes for when he asks for your keys, or to play in your car. Yet another reminder as to how no one is strong enough to tangle with The Angry.
  3. Crossword Puzzles: The Junior/Senior Walston Team, are one Sunday Times puzzle from going professional
  4. Water: Embedded deep in the DNA of the Walston male is an irrational fear of any messes involving water, and so I find it ironic that Porter’s favorite activity these days is standing at the kitchen sink dumping cups of water all over himself, the floor and the immediate surrounding area. Life span reduction amount for both husband and father-in-law: 3.5 years.
  5. Repetition: Stella watched Charlotte’s web on continual loop for the entire duration of every stretch of travel, with the only complication arising when she chewed through the cord on her earphones. Channeling Templeton the rat, no doubt.

Or you can review things in the 1000-word configuration…

