Apple Bandits

We have had a continuous stream of wildlife through our yard out here at One-Eleven. From the best we can tell, it’s the same cast of recurring characters: The same little skunk, a family of raccoons (mom, dad and three babies), 2 deer (big one and little one), 1 fox and an array of of red-headed woodpeckers that are systematically turning every single apple tree into a piece of swiss cheese.

Although I had nothing but disdain for the urban wildlife we endured at B Street, I have actually enjoyed this ongoing parade of woodland creatures. Probably because nowhere in that list is there included a nasty, rat-like possum. And although they have the definite potential to be little menaces – and probably will – we are content to continue to make sure the trash can is secured, and the cat food put away, and all landscaping decisions are preceded with the words ‘deer’ and ‘proof’.

Here are Cinderella and Ariel. (2 guesses who named them)

