6 thoughts on “Bittersweet

  1. Very bittersweet. It made me sad the minute I looked at the post. Just enjoy and appreciate every day in your “Very First Home”.

  2. Dore…whats up? I”m getting all sappy and you’re celebrating, do I need to just get over it? Future house…could be sweet. No sirens/screaching tires at 2:00a.m….this could work.

  3. I’m sure they will always have fond memories of the B street house……………..I’m fast forwarding 10 years and seeing all four of them standing in the one bathroom as Stella is trying to fix her hair for school (some how trying to incorporate snails), Steve is trying to reach the light switch (for the 5th time), Natalie just wants to pee by herself and Porter umm, okay……….maybe Porter is busy exploring the backyard quickly before school. I know this would make them happy and really that’s all I want for any of my friends. =) You’re the grandma and like it or not your “sappy” gene was kicked into high gear the day you became a grandma…………..and we all love you even more because of it!!


  4. I’m sorry, am I missing something here? Would somebody please tell me what is going on!! Did you find a new house? Is the B Street house soon to be added to the list of stories, such as “Do you remember the time in the California St. house when…” or ” can you believe that we did that in the 12th Street house” or ” Do you remember when we brought Stella AND Porter HOME for the first time?” Is this what is going on? Someone help me out here!!

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