
The rule of thumb for a kid’s party guest lists is ‘Age +1’. Our formula goes something like this: ‘Age +10 +All the adults you can think of’. There. That should do it. Fortunately, not everyone on the guest list could make it, and we, therefore, didn’t look like complete hedonists. Well, except for the two pitchers of sangria. And the beer. And the two grey haired ladies standing over the sink eating the liquor-steeped fruit from the sangria. But other than that, it was your completely typical 1st birthday party. With tacos.

Although we were scheduled for rain, the skies miraculously parted, and I am left thinking that my children each have meteorological super-powers due to their ability to conjure perfect birthday party weather. But then, it’s not like it would have even occurred to this bunch that rain might have actually been something that would slow them down. Mostly, they seemed to enjoy eating fistfuls of refined sugar (Stella actually hid a secret stash of gummy fish under her pillow), dodging and weaving between all of the adults and playing on the behemoth, adjustable teeter-totter that Steve forged from a beam with the dimensions equal to that of a mid-sized car. (The quotable comment from this particular project being: “I am either building a teeter-totter or a trebuchet – I am not quite sure yet.”)

Us? Small-scale? Yeah, we don’t roll like that.

(click on image for full set)

One thought on “Indoctrination

  1. Just a slight note of clarification, the two ladies eating the “drunken” fruit prefer to consider themselves silver-haired, not gray as reported.

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