It was like being shipped off to Lazy Parents Camp

This past weekend, we decided to capitalize on my day off, and take an impromptu trip down to Celene and Thad’s. Getting to escape our daily routines for a while? I’M. SO. THERE!

It took us no time at all to 86 every one of our soul-crushing routines, and become the anti-parents.

Bedtime? Whatev.
Meals? Here’s some Pirate Booty.
Educational TV? Stella, this is the E! Channel.

It was warm. There was ample shopping. There was no pressure, no phone, no drop-off/pick-up logistics, and other than keeping our children alive, no real responsibility to do anything other than breathe. And to be perfectly honest, there were times when even that was just a little too taxing. Heck, the kids even got into the spirit of things and gave us a couple of night’s of decent sleep.

If this one was any indication, it is my suggestion that all future vacations be planned no earlier than 36 hours in advance.

Although I didn’t take a single photo all weekend, Ryan (as in “Shannon and”) snapped these when we stopped through on Thursday night, and spent the better part of the evening wowing them with our hobo family activities:

Stella using their bed as a trampoline:


Porter hanging out in nothing but a diaper:


We are either your dream guests, or your worst nightmare, I’m not quite sure.