I am SO totally not making this up.

From a discussion between Stella and I regarding whether we should buy or build:

“Mommy, did you know that if your head is really strong like mine you can pound nails with it?”

Whispered into my ear by Alex while picking Stella up from school:

“Psst. I love chattelatte.”

(Neither I, nor Alex’s mother have any idea what this is.)

From a discussion between Stella and I about her day at school:

“Mommy did you know that I have never been to outer space or the aquarium or Hawaii? Maybe when I get older I can go all those places.”

Banter on the car ride to school:

“Mommy, don’t say okay. Okay?”
“Okay. I won’t say okay.”
“NOOOOO Mommy, don’t say okay. Okay?”
“NOOOOO, just don’t say it.”
“Okay, I won’t say it.”
“NOOOOO, Don’t. Say. IT!”
“Okay, I won’t say it.”

(This went on for a while.)

The #1 best quote I have heard in all of my three years of being a parent:

When we got to the part in the Knuffle Bunny book where they are sorting laundry, and Trixie has her mom’s bra in her hand:

“That’s for her mommy’s babes.”